Hi, my name is Virginie and I am just opening this blog. This is gonna be a wonderful experience. Here I am, surfing on this gigantic web... Funny, I am starting this today, it is Halloween, and I am dressed up as a witch...
Let me introduce myself. I am a proud mom of my 2 beautiful children:
I live in Michigan, which is a beautiful state in the fall, but I am originally from France. I have been living here 10 years though, and my children were born here. I also have a wonderful husband, who is French too. We don't have any pets, just 2 kids !!, but we enjoy a lot of "wildlife" in our backyard: deers, especially, who eat all my tentatives of planting flowers, squirrels (we all call them "Nuts"), rabbits sometimes, and all the others we don't usually see, like raccoons, and who knows what...
When I first came in this country, I couldn't "work" as I did not have a visa for that. So the children came, and my full time job was to be a Mom. It was hard at first not to go to work every morning, stay at home, and not have a social life, as I just moved to this country and did not know anybody. Plus, "stay at home Mom" sure was not my day dream job. But I got used to it, and realized I was so fortunate to be able to be with my kids every day, watch them growing and not missing any of their milestones. So I became very involved in their education, as babies, as toddlers and so on... The hard work was very rewarding.
Now they are in school all day long. Well, until 3:30 that is. Now, you would think, I have soooo much free time, right ? Well, not what you may be thinking. When they come back to school, I want to be available for them. Assist with the homeworks, talk to them about their day at school, play with them, or just doing things with them. And then, later on, when my husband finally come back from work, I want to be available for him too. He likes to talk about his day, to share "ses joies et ses peines": his good and bad moments, or I like to talk about mine, or about any issue I have. So, all the work that need to be done has to be done during the time the rest of my family is working: laundry, cleaning, bills, grocery shopping, even going to the gym to stay in shape, you name it (well, you know...). So free time: not so much in fact !!
So, what about some free time still left ? Right now, I am working full time on designing my own website. As I am not computer savvy at all, this is haaarrrddd work. But let me get to this.
I always loved natural materials: wood, shells, pearls, rocks... I would collect the most beautiful, on the beach or anywhere I would go. Just because they are so beautiful, created by mother earth, modified by time and years of erosion... My other passion, or dream, was to be an artist. I would decorate my notebooks when I was in elementary school, thinking my drawings were the most beautiful ! Well, they were not, but I liked them !!! But crafting was one of my favorite activities.
Combining that, and after several attempts at other arts, jewelry making come so naturally to me... So I bought my first beads, thought myself the basics, learning constantly, and did my first necklaces. People around me said they were nice and I should make more... They supported me, as well as my husband and children who also liked my work... So I did more, and more, constantly improving the techniques and the creativity. And here I am now. Doing some art shows and selling my work, my own one of a kind pieces of wearable art, created by me, each one with a lot of love and patience... If you have read up to there now, you can as well go take a look at my work.
And I am also building a web site, so I can sell directly through the web. But it is a lot of work. Meanwhile, if you see something you like, do not hesitate to comment and share with your friends...
Nice talking with you, come back again...
Okay, you've got the first bit done. Now comes the hard bit, maintaining the blog. Write a lot, quality stuff, post everyday and you'll develop readership.
Bonjour and bienvenue Virginie...!
Your jewelry is beautiful.
Thanks for visiting my blog...I hope you and the kids go to my Picturetrail site and that you enjoy it. ... there are lots of bears and friends to see there...
Your jewelry is beautiful...
Love your jewelry. My daughters and I too like making jewelry with gemstones, pearls, wood and other things from the earth. Good luck with the blogging, but beware, it can become addicting.
Au Revoir
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